Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's all coming together.......

.......................and soon we will have to leave. Over the last 11 days or so we have lost fish, messed up photo opertunities and struggled at times getting it right with the boat. Anchoring and docking in the strong winds has been difficult at times. Now with just a couple of days to go I think we are beginning to get it right. We could do with a couple of weeks more just to prove the point.
 Today we caught more Black tip shark, Mackeral and the usual baitfish. Tim lost a very good fish, we'll never know how big but it had to be bigger than anything else we have managed to get into the boat so far.

1 comment:

  1. Mick think you should leave your job for national geographic - great photos of the birds - and loving the shit pump story !

    See you soon

